Sunday, 31 Oct. 2010
I woke up at nine forty-five this morning. I thought this was really late. Then I sat in front of my desk and decided to check my email. Suddenly, I saw the time on the computer said it was only eight forty-five. Oh~I forgot that it is today that British people adjust their time back to GMT zone. I was Happy that I had gained an extra hour and that had not slept that late.
For Breakfast I ate toast with tuna mayonnaise and I tried to start reading at ten but this plan failed and I couldn't get into the paper until twelve. This paper tried to determine whether marketing is an art or science by looking ar a fifty years of marketing debate. I thought the author would have determined answer but he discovered that marketing experts didn't ever use the term "Art" which meant the debate was meaningless. I feel so empty since it took me about four hours to read this boring paper full of complicated vocabulary but got nothing at the end.