
Sunday, 7 November, 2010


I think I have got a cold!!! 

I was sneezing and had a sore throat on Friday. My condition became worse after I went to see the bonefire at the Forest Recreation Centre. It was raining on the way to the venue. Although the rain had stopped before the fireworks started, the temperature dropped rapidly during that period.


So, I almost lost my voice on Saturday. I tried to prevent the symptoms from getting serious by taking pills and drinking as much warm water as I could. But it seemed it is too late to do so. I was coughing from Saturday to Sunday, all through the day and all through the night. I think I have developed stomach muscles from all the coughing. I know the illness will last for several days but I hope I can get better soon. Or it would be a disaster as I can hardly concentrate on either my reading or essay writing when I am ill.

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